INDEX Vackeel (vakil, vaqtt), agent, 35, 83, 404, 407 Varnish, recipe to make, 430 Vashishta river, 59 n. 72 Vedas, 188, 206 n. 16 Verasheroon, mango gardens at, 6, 53, 60 n. 75 ; English factory wat, 53, 55 n. 10, 60 n. 74 e "Verburg, Jacob, Chief of the Dutch factory at Kazim- bazar, 113 ; " Directore " of the * Dutch E.I. Co., 130 n. 16 ; death of, 130 n. 16 Vickers, John, a correspondent of'R: Edwards and J. Mar- shall, 12, 13 Vidya, knowledge, 356 Vikramaditya, 264, 275 Vincent, Mary, 108 n. 32 ; a son born to, 102 Vincent, Matthias, i, 22, 26, 35, m ; chief at Kasim- * bazar, 9, at Hugll, 16, in Bengal, 25, 26 ; implicated in the death of Raghu, 21 ; Marshall's bequest to, 26-7 ; his wife, 108 n. 32 ; notice of, 108 n. 32 Vinegar, recipe to make, 431 Viravasaram. See Verasheroon Vishnu, avatar a of, 207 n. 20 (b) Vukeley Surrey, 160, 174 n, 5 Wagtails, seen at Singhiya, 382 Wandering Soul, doctrine of the, 388 n. 42 Water, intense coldness of, 168 ; recipes to purify, 330, 337, 428, 429-30 J Weights r^and Measures. See and ; angull \ barley corns ; bauri; cash; cha-dam, co- vado, d&m ; damrl; dhanu ; dukra ; ganda ; gaz ; gwih ; kahan ; kandi ; ko$ ; man ; masha ; pan ; pice ; vaffi ; rupees ; ser ; steel-yard ; taka; tola Whirlwinds, 78 White, George, free merchant and interloper, 7, 13; his affection for, and corre- spondence with, Marshall, 9, 12, 13, 35. 3^ Willoughby, Albinus, at Ma- deira, 4, 43, 56 n. 25 ; at Bantam, 4, 56 n. 25 Willowes, Mistress, 26 Wilson, C. R., uses the Marshall MSS., 31 Wine, from Madeira, 43, 44, 56 n. 28; a prohibited beverage, 171 ; recipe to make, 430-1 Winter, Sir Edward, Agent at Fort St. George, 59 n. 71 ; deposes G. Foxcraft, 4 Winter, Thomas, his daughter, 86 n. 25 Witchcraft, charms against, 362 Wodderapore, ? Hoodrapour,68 Woodowa, 115, 131 n. 33 Worms, used in charms, 360-1 Yazid, credited with martyr- dom, 396, 407 Year, the Hindu, 264, 275, 276 Yogas, 260, 261, 293-4 J names of, 306 Yogi (Yoga) Philosophy, 204 n. 5, 207 n. 27 and 32 Yudisthira, 80 Yugas, 265, 276 Zaynab, a daughter of Muham- mad, 395 Zaynu'l-Abidin, 395 Zeilon. See Ceylon Zinjan, 173, 176 n. 21 Zoroastrianism, 205 n. 12, 206 n. 14 (b)